Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bedtime Stories 2008

Ughhh --- lama gile msCruZee x update blog. msCruZee dijangkiti penyakit M tahap kronik. Ookay, this time nak citer pasal movie yang baru msCruZee nengok mgg ni. Baru dapat movie ni from Along (thx, sis!). Sekurang2nya terubat sket hati msCruZee nih.

Citer mmg best jugak. msCruZee mmg peminat setia Rob Schneider, and as what I've expected earlier --- this guy punya muka mesti terselit kat few scenes. Diorg (wt Adam Sandler) kan cam good buddies. 

msCruZee xde mood nak ulas citer. u all carilaaa vcd ke dvd ke --- paling payah pon contact ler msCruZee kalo nak nonton. eheheh. wa sudi membantu!

It's a family story! Of course happy ending, jalan cerita yang ringan and simple, boleh layan pada setiap masa including masa kepala tgh berserabut. 


Rate: 7/10